

We are so lucky to have our neighbor back in town. He offered us his laundry machine so very clean clothes for me! I was so excited I think my clothes can be saved after this trip, I was beginning think that they would never be clean again.

The other night Victor suggested Asian food for dinner, I kind of took over the dinner menu from there. We had green beans (minus the bacon), cucumber salad, rice and sprinkles (thanks to Mom and Dad for the sprinkles), and then Victor made garbanzo beans with shoyu. They were kind of like teriyaki garbanzo beans, a little funky but still good. I have come to learn that I need protein and without it I get sick so I'll take it anyway I can get it. Thought everyone would enjoy our shoyu here though, salsa de soya.

Sorry for not a lot of turtle pictures. It's been a good week for momma turtles but haven't had so many babies. We have actually been having a dog problem in the hatchery. The people that live across the street from us have been feeding the strays but they've gone home so now I think the strays are looking for food elsewhere. In other words, our hatchery.

Spent the morning moving sand back into the hatchery. After each exhumation we make sure that each hole is cleaned out and leave them open to the clean air for a few days to prevent bugs and fungus growth. So this morning we had a few holes that needed to be filled up so I wanted to make sure those were done before our groups of volunteers start arriving.


  1. I almost bought your a bottle of Aloha Shoyu but didn't want to chance how it might in transit. Hope your roomies like the sprinkles.

  2. Hi KK. That's very exciting about the washer and dryer! How long does it take for the turtles to hatch from the time you collect the eggs?

    1. Our average for the hatchery here is about 40 days.
