
the longest 4 hr car trip

So not a lot of pictures tonight, long day in the car.  We were told that the car ride from La Fortuna (where we stayed last night) to the beach here would take oh 4 hours.... well acutally they told us to Samara it would be 4 hours, no one really knew where we were going. So I guess there were pretty right on about the drive to Samara, we left at 10:30 ish and got there about 3, okay so a little over but we did stop for lunch! Well once we got to Samara we were kind of stuck, where do we go next? We got to the town just south of that and realized that the GPS was taking us inland if we contiuned on the paved road we were on.  There was a surf shop with internet back in that town so decided to turn around and go look there, maybe we could find something online about where to go if no one was able to help.  I was able to ask and get direction in Spanish, while mom and dad stayed in the car trying to look at a map and the GPS.  He told me what towns we woould need to pass through to get to where we were going, so basically had to take it one town at a time reading the signs as we went.  at about 5:30 we made it to Laguna Mar.  This hotel is owned by Drew who is from D.C. and it is really nice.  I will have to post pictures later.  He gave us directions down to the pretoma house.... which we got lost trying to find in the dar.  I had to get out of the car again and ask for directions, basically had to ask for Courtney and the Pretoma house and they knew where to point me.  But, Costa Ricans are so nice! not only did Don Victor tell me how many houses to go he walked with me down while Mom and Dad followed in the car behind us.  Still need to work on my Spanish though, I got my basics down but can't really have a converstation.  The house here is nice, again will have to post pictures later.  It's three bedreooms 2 bathrooms.  Courtney has the master bedroom.  And for now we have the Boys (Victor and Matt) in one room and I'm staying with the German Girls (I can't Spell her name) in the other.  We have bunk beds to 4 people could fit in each room.  So if we get more voluteers I can decide with the boys if we all share a room (the research assistant room and volunteer room) or we keep it boys and girls.  But looks like as of Tuesday I'll have my own room.  Going out on patrol tonight, hopefully will see some turtles.  It's very humid here, nothing like in La Fortuna! Well for now that is all going to rest a little before going out.... which is at 10.


  1. Navigating in the dark in CR is super sketchy! When we arrived, it was 8 at nite, pitch black and raining.

  2. Glad you made it to your destination safely. Looking forward to seeing some pictures.

  3. I hope u get to see some turtles kk. Curious to know if they're bigger than the ones in Hawaii :) cause those are big....

  4. Have fun with the turtles KK! I hope Mr. Bear is a good travel companion.
