
Who Gets a Cold in Costa Rica??!

As the title suggests I have cold. I do not know where it came from. But one day I was congested and then next my throat was sore. I am ready for it to pass though!! Nothing is worse than patrolling with a sore throat.

Here is Shane with volunteers Luisa and Katherina

This morning Shane and I went on a lovely beach walk down to San Miguel. Original plan was to meet Hilary half way since she is leaving tonight, though that did not work and we were waiting at their station house for them when they got back from breakfast. We sat around and chatted with them for a little bit before deciding to head back to Costa de Oro, Hilary along for the ride (so to speak). Found some interesting treasures along the way.

On our way down Shane and I found a piece of a skull. I think I might go back and hold on to it to show volunteers that I kill people when they do not do as asked (only kidding). I am no forensic scientist (just an avid watcher of Bones) but it looks like it could be human, solely based on the fact that there are molars. After finding the piece of the jaw we found a rock. We think somewhere on our beach there really might be a body buried.

Apparently egg plant is in season now, when I got here there was two in the refrigerator and Lotti just brought another one in. When she pulled it out of the box I just looked at here and said, "Seriously Lotti, how do I cook this? I don't even make eggplant in the States." She gave me some ideas for how to cook it so that is what we will be having with dinner tonight- and the next couple nights.


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